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Not a toothbrush. |
Shoots of glitter guns, pew pew pew pew!
This Thursday I am CHOOSING to love my morning routine of going to Northwestern Hospital. You know, I go every single morning now, for my tests. The staff actually have gotten to know my big stupid face and are very kind and funny with me now. It just takes a hot minute and then people usually realize I'm pretty freaking awesome. And most of them are too, once you break through their "going through the motions for the 8 millionth time" face.
It finally happened. This morning, almost legs up in stirrups, the gal says, "You look like someone." OH MAH GAH. And sure enough, she continued by saying, "I'm not the only Stenographer who thinks so; we've all been talking about you."
Well, isn't that nice. Then we laughed and laughed. Seriously. I've been legs up with this girl every damn day for the last week and I was so happy to be laughing with her, I didn't even get irritated.
I'm so grateful that Northwestern is a top notch medical facility and my husband's insurance lets me do this fertility gig there. I am so thankful it's right downtown, across the Loop from my work. And that I get to go in every morning at 7am before being at work at 8am-ish. This makes a huge difference in my daily schedule. I can take the train downtown and then walk about 6 blocks to the hospital with a gaggle of about 30 nurses or nursing students who also take the train.
We all line up - about 20 women there for infertility each morning - some who are actually smiling and saying hi to me now - get our numbers for ultrasounds and go wait. I see some of the same women every morning. One woman was in our orientation when we went a couple months ago. I know this is hard. I know none of us want to be there. I also know it makes me feel less alone and afraid to have a kind look or a how are you from one of them who is going through EXACTLY the same thing I am. It helps. So I am trying and some probably hate me for it and wish I would take my stupid big smile face somewhere else, but I'm here. I'm grateful to be here and to be given an opportunity to try this.
Bing, bang, boom, Ultrasound and blood work, and I'm outta there hoofing it across the Loop to the Tower in time for work.
I am really, REALLY grateful for all of this. The convenience makes it a bit easier to swallow all the pricking and prodding and money spent on this baby stuff.
I don't even know who I am anymore, but I'm smiley for some reason and reaching out to other women going through this. Usually I just reach out to other drunks and leave the rest alone. Now, I'm reaching out to other women going through this baby stuff. And they are reaching out to me. Either in person or through my blog or the Facebook page. And I am so grateful for all of it. The notes of encouragement and love I've received are absolutely mind blowing to me. Every single one is so precious and I cannot thank you enough.
Also, I love my bird earrings I have on today.