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My little rescuer and best little friend I've ever had or ever will have. |
And so we knew. We knew without a doubt that if he cannot open his mouth, he cannot live. I made the appointment nobody ever wants to make for that evening and DH got home from work early to spend time with his best little friend. It was the longest saddest day ever. We were with him as he went and he went so peacefully, he just fell asleep and all the failings of his little body went away. He was so alive in spirit and yet his body failed him. It's not fair. IT IS NOT FAIR. He was still his sweet little self and didn't understand what was happening to him and WE COULDN'T EXPLAIN IT TO HIM.
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Sally Boy got this mug for DH a few years ago, it says, "Sally is my B.F.F." It's true. |
Sally walked into my life in 2002 and that portion of our life was he and I and Eliza Jane Kitty, which was good.
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I push around a different type of stroller today, but Sally loved it. |
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Single gal living in the city with two cats and a cat stroller, see where my life was heading before DH? |
I had the honor of spending the last few weeks Sally Boy as I'm home on maternity leave. He was sweet with the babies as we knew he would be. We only wish he could have stayed longer to share with them how amazing his huge spirit was. But we will tell Sally tales for the rest of our lives and possibly longer.
We got to tell him everything he meant to us and love on him so much but it's never enough. He was a truly special cat. People who didn't like cats loved Sally. People were better for knowing him. And he picked me. All those years ago, HE PICKED ME to spend his life with. Please read the whole story if you haven't yet, you'll be glad you did.
Talk about feeling all the feelings...this sucks. This really sucks. I know the hurt and the devastating pain we feel right now will pass and fade, but Sally's memory never ever will. He rescued me when I needed rescuing most. He might think I rescued him, but it was truly the other way around. And I am such a better, sober person for having known him.
Oh Katy ... :\ All I can say is that I know your pain. All I can do is send you virtual hugs and love. xoxoxo RIP Sally Boy
ReplyDeleteit sucks loosing a family member (pet) :( i am so sorry for your loss!!! sally boy is in heaven watchin u and your dh and hall and oates :) sorry u have to go thru this :(
ReplyDeleteSo so sorry for your loss. I will miss the Sally-boy stories.
ReplyDeleteKaty, I'm so sorry for the loss of your Sally Boy!My family lost our pet this week too, and by far the hardest part for me was the hurt my 7 year old little human felt and I could nothing for. Memories and pictures seem to help our family! So glad you got pictures of Sally with Hall and Oates you will treasure them forever! Hugs to you
ReplyDeleteI often wonder how people can say they aren't animal people.I am so sorry for your loss. I am praying for some peace soon and will say a little prayer to the all new angel-cat Sally.
ReplyDeleteI'm so very sorry, Katy. I know that pain and it is unfuckingbelievable. We lost two of our beloved dogs three weeks apart, the second one less than three weeks ago. Grief is one tricky bastard but I can tell you that yes, it gets better. Then worse, then better, blah blah blah. I know exactly how you feel and it sucks utterly. But you loved that kitty beyond all reason, and he knew it. HE KNEW. I hope that comforts you. Much love and light back to you and Sally boy, wherever he may be. --Katy Brown
ReplyDeleteBe proud that the love you felt for that little Cat is so evident in your writing you can reduce people to tears for the loss you're feeling.
ReplyDeleteRest well, Sally Boy! Guard those babies from the Kitty clouds in the sky. xxxxxxxxx
So very sorry for your loss. Our fur babies are so special to us. Keeping you and your D.H. in my thoughts.
ReplyDeleteSo sad for your loss. Tearing up and sharing your grief. I'm so sorry. xo
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry to hear about Sally Boy. It sounds like he had a life full of love, what more can we ask for? My grandpa is dying from cancer right now, and while it's not quite the same, I understand seeing how sharp and alert someone is as their body fails them. It is not fair, you're right. So I'll keep praying to the universe, because what else can you do right? Much love to you and your beautiful family Xoxo
ReplyDeleteI had to put to sleep my Aja-cat shortly after having by baby. He couldn't see but I never moved the furniture so it was alright. He let met wrap him like a baby in a blanket and hold him like that for way too long. He was my baby until my baby came. SallyBoy held on until your babies came and then he knew you were going to be alright. All the wishing for a baby you all did he was wishing too. Now he is playing over the Rainbow Bridge knowing his job with you was done.
ReplyDeleteOh man! I'm so sorry for your loss, I can feel your pain through your words. Again, very sorry.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry for your loss, Katy. Sally Boy will live on in the hearts of you and DH forever. It was truly special that he was able to be with you throughout your pregnancy and he able to meet the twins. Thinking of you.
ReplyDeleteOh my dearest Katy....this story breaks and warms my heart all at once. Hugs to you.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry for your loss, they truly are our BFF's.
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful tribute to your Sally boy! I'm not a cat person, but I think you're right. I would have liked him. Sending love and a big hug your way!
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry Katy. He was just as lucky as you were that he chose you. Sending love and hugs to you,DH and the babies.
ReplyDeleteOh, Katy. I feel your pain. I'm sitting here bawling, as we had to do the exact same thing just yesterday morning with our 14 year old Chinese Sharpei. I don't even have words. Just feeling so sad for you guys this morning. Love to you and DH and Hall and Oates and EJ kitty, too. They say it gets better, and I hope that's true cause my eyes are almost sealed puffy and shut from the tears. Sending love and hugs.
ReplyDeleteOh Katy!!! My heart breaks. Truly. I'm sitting here bawling. How do our furries do that to us?? Love you!!
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry for your loss! m heart is breaking! hugs
ReplyDeleteOh Katy, I am so sorry for your loss! Sending you and DH lots of healing energy today and sending Sally Boy some special friends of mine to look up, I'm sure they'll have a blast over that rainbow bridge together.
ReplyDeleteI am now bawliing my head off. If I lived in Chicago, you would be my BEST friend...
ReplyDeletetears and love
ReplyDeleteSo sad. So many tears. We are here for you and share your joy and sadness around Sally Boy's life and passing.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry Katy. My first fur baby left us in the same way. She'd been sick a while, then had a stroke one day and we knew the decision was made. It was hard to carry her into the vet one last time, but it was with peace and love that we let her go. Your Sally Boy came to you when you needed him, and he will always be with you. Much love. xoxo
ReplyDeleteYou have your babies and he knew his job here was done. He was brought into your life so you had something to care about besides yourself. You had to stay well so you could take care of him. And that carried you forward to the place you are today, fully preparwd and able to love your babies. God bless you Sally Boy, see you in Heaven.
ReplyDeleteOh...I am so so sorry...
ReplyDeleteSally has kitty angel wings now! Xoxo
ReplyDeleteI found my cat in the exact same way one day when I came home from work. I had watch him being born when I was eight years old and he was put to sleep 19 years later while I held him in my arms. It was so absolutely heartbreaking. Whenever I read your words, I send out my love and admiration for you. Today, you have not only my love and admiration but my tears as well. I am so sorry for your loss. Just hug DH and those sweet babies and never forget your wonderful friend.
ReplyDelete:( I'm so sorry you lost your poor sweet kitty. I'm glad the babies got to meet him though, if only for a short while. <3
ReplyDeletetyping to you with tears shared.
ReplyDeleteI am so very sorry. =(
ReplyDeletemy heart breaks for your loss. your Sally boy looks like my Pumpkin and the thought of losing him brings me to tears. sending big hugs your way!
ReplyDeleteOmg, Omg i just read this and wanted to cry. I'm so very sorry to you guys. RIP SallyBoy.
ReplyDeleteSo incredibly sorry for you...I know the feelings you are having and they are devastating. All at once you remember all the amazing times you had with them, and then you remember they're not there....but they really are. Really. All the animals I have lost are with me to this day and, as weird as it sounds, have made me a better person. Thoughts and prayers are with you and the DH and Hall & Oates. <3
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry for your loss! <3
ReplyDeleteSally Boy came into your life when you needed him...he now knows you have DH,Hall & Oats, and you are happy and safe. He left you in the capable care of Eliza Jane and he is know your kitty angle watching over you. You will always remember the Love he brought with him when he came to chat in the garden and picked you as his "human" to care for and that you always be. Hugs to you and yours at this time of loss.
ReplyDeleteNo words, just hugs and pew pew pew for dear sally boy. So so sorry:(
ReplyDeleteWe had to put our old man Licorice down over a year ago. He was 17 and started having uti's and stuff like that :-( this will sound really weird and creepy probably, but I swear a piece of him is in my 15 month old daughter. He was put down 2 weeks before she was born and there are just some days where I can't figure out where I've seen these things before, then it clicks... LICORICE!!! As I said its obviously creepy and far fetched to some, but I feel he is still here.
ReplyDeleteIt is so hard losing that best friend/family member but at least you are able to know he understands now, he's in no pain, he's NOT mad at you, loves you, and he's happy :-). Thank you for sharing your stories about him :-)
i am so, so sorry.
ReplyDeleteOh Katie, I am so sorry!
ReplyDeleteKaty - I am so so so incredibly sorry for the loss of Sally Boy. Losing a pet is never easy. I lost my sweet Tily 3 years ago and I'm still grieving for her. Sally will never truly be gone. He'll visit you in your dreams and he'll let you know he's doing alright. He'll let your babies know he's watching out for them and will forever be with you all. Much love to you and your family.
ReplyDeleteI cried as I read the entry about your dear Sally Boy. You see, we had our own orange tabby version of Sally Boy; his name was Lindros. The hubs & I each brought a feline companion into our marriage, and Lindros & the hubs were a packaged deal. I fell in love with him the moment I met him. He was the sweetest, gentlest cat I had ever encountered with SUCH a huge, funny personality. We called him The Cat With 1,000 Meows. He gave kisses upon request. He grew ill suddenly when I was 7 mos. pregnant (after years of trying to conceive), and the hubs had to make that trip to the vet that no one wants to make. To say that I was devastated would be an understatement. I know how broken & hurting your heart is right now.
ReplyDeleteThe absolute BEST advice I can give you is to sit down with DH & start making a list of all your Sally Boy memories. Funny stories, cute little quirks, reliable habits, everything. Just write & write & write every little thing. I wanted to get as much as I could down on paper while it was still fresh; I didn't want to forget the smallest detail about my beloved Lindros. I was shocked at how healing & cathartic it was for us. There was a lot of laughter through tears. It really gave me a peaceful feeling that he will always be with us; in our hearts, memories & in spirit. I can't say I've ever really "gotten over" losing our sweet orange boy four years ago; it's more like getting used to a new normal. Please know how very sorry I am for the loss of your sweet Sally Boy. It's a painful journey, but you will find your new normal too.
So sorry you've lost your Sally Boy. I cried while reading your post today, because it reminded me of my Casey Cat and how cats can be our very best friends. They listen to our secrets and sympathize when we need hugs. I know Hall and Oates will always love Sally Boy, just like you and DH. Hugs from another cat lover.
ReplyDeleteRIP sweet sally boy! He will be missed. Big virtual hugs and kisses to everyone.
ReplyDeleteSo sorry Katy!! ((((HUGS)))) He and Cinnamon can play at the Rainbow Bridge until we get there. He will be greatly missed :`(
ReplyDeleteI am a firm believer that God put that wonderful cat into your life for a reason! And I believe that Sally Boy held on as long as possible to see those 2 precious little ones come into this world so that not only he could meet them but so that he also knew you would be ok and that you would not be so lonely when it was his time to go! How amazing for you to have that life long bond!!! :) I am so sorry that you have the pain from missing him and am sending you lots of virtual hugs, positive thoughts and prayers! By the way, I don't know you, but I have been following you for sometime now on facebook and reading your posts here and I have to say that you are an amazing person and inspiration! I am proud of you for choosing to stay sober and for choosing to live! You are a wonderful mommy! :)
ReplyDeleteMy condolences on your loss! I had a Sally, named Simba. It's heartbreaking to lose a pet that has become so much more.
ReplyDeleteSo very sorry for your loss. DH and I know that agonizing pain. But I think one of the earlier comments had it right: Sally was with you to bring you safely to hall and oates. I'm trusting he'll see our Fidget and Sampson at the Bridge.
ReplyDelete<3 I'm soooo sorry for your terrible loss. I understand completely. I still have my beautiful Salem kitty, but when her day comes - I will be so terribly sad that she's not crawling across my keyboard or sticking her butt in my face trying to wake me up. Lots of love & hugs. Have fun in Kitty Heaven, Sally Boy <3
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you got to spend these last weeks with him, but more than that, I am so, so sorry. Love you.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry
ReplyDeleteCan I pet your cat?
ReplyDeleteMarvin is a scrawny, all-black, very well-mannered, un-neutered tomcat. He’s a hard-lived neighborhood friendly who is kind enough NOT to create or bring any kind of drama to the ‘hood. He’s hot-damn Johnny Depp cool. He’s soooooo slick… AND scary smart.
He doesn’t appear to romance. There are no females nesting or roaming around with kittens for instance. Marvin is a rakish loner, a block roamer and quite proud of his unattached status.
Did I mention he’s SCRAWNY?
Lest I forgot, he’s got these totally badass bite-notched ears, a jacked up hind end, one half-closed eye, a weirdly textured coat, and last but not least… wait for it…. a sexy new gimp. His age is timeless and anyone’s guess.
The neighborhood rake just happens to live in a catbed right outside our front door, and has for the last 6 years. He just showed up. He wouldn’t go away. He wouldn’t take no for an answer. He wouldn’t come in the damn house either. HE’S NOT OUR CAT.
We feed him. We give him treats. We provide blankies. We get him a new catbed every six months. We LEAVE HIM THE FUCK ALONE. I think that’s really important to note, but more importantly, HE’S NOT OUR CAT.
So here’s the conversation I had with the cat we DO NOT HAVE! Now, I’m just getting home from work, approaching the door. The sexy beast in lounging in the sun on the decorative rock in the front yard. He’s like Mustafa and Jack Sparrow combined. In all his pantheresque glory. He’s ‘smiling’ at me, (that damn half-closed eye winking at me). He’s too badass to get up… he’s presently occupied enduring the aggressive dive-bombing by the cackling birds who live in the huge willow tree in our front yard. (Them bitches be ruthless!) He’s ‘smiling’ and ‘winking’ at my happy ass the entire time.
Me: Hey Mr. BigShotPussPuss, what’s shakin’?
MBSPP: (*yawn…*get up…..*stretch…*slow approach…*legslitherankletripcombotango)
Me: Wow, you’re verbose this evening.
MBSPP: Mew… mew…. *legslitherankletripcombotango*tangorepeat*tangorepeat
Me: (wow, he’s letting me pet him) DudeMan, let me get the key in the door and I’ll feed you your supper forthwith.
MBSPP: Mew….Iloveyou… Mew… Mew…
Me: *key in lock * turns to MBSPP *strains neck *drops to one knee*purse empties
MBSPP: Mew, Iloveou…Mew…Mew….
Me: *opens door * gathers purse contents *pets MBSPP at the threshold *fills his dish
MBSPP: MEW MEW MEW MEW *legslitherankletripcombotango
Me: Wow…. Thanks Little Dude. Here’s your supper Sir. Thank you for reminding me. We do not have a cat. The cat has us.
Here’s to SWEET SWEET SALLY BOY and all the cats who have HAD US. *SO FREAKIN’ BLESSED*